Rock, Paper, Scissors         

Created by Maggie Yan 

Languages used 
HTML, CSS, Javascript

This project was for an assignment in my Intro to Front-End Web Development course. The objective of the project was create a rock, paper, scissors game on a dynamically updated webpage, where the user is able to play many rounds of the game against the computer. The purpose of this project was to use Javascript and jQuery to make the webpage interactive for the game, by using event handlers, global variables and modularity.                                       

The Process
The main focus of this project was to make the webpage dynamically update every time the user interacted with it. Functions such as rpsJudge were written for the operations of the actual game, while other functions were written for the CSS changes when the user interacted with the webpage. The event handlers were added at the end to allow for user interaction and for everything to dynamically update when it should. 

A snippet of Javascript code from the function playerTurn, which puts updates the page accordingly whenever the 
user interacts with it. See full code on Github.